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New fish and changes in the aquarium

Only two Angelfish have remained. So, in April I bought three new Angelfish and 17 Cardinal tetras in the Juwelakvarium store in Prague. I visited this store for the first time. It is a tiny store. I brought the fish home and put them into the quarantine aquarium.

Out of nowhere one Cardinal tetra died. Next day, another one. Other tetras in the following week. I must say that unusually lots of them died. And yet after I moved them to the main aquarium. So, out of 17 tetras only 4 survived. And from three angelfish, only one.

In May I bought additional fish in the Sklorex store in Brno. I bought 3 angelfish and 10 Cardinal tetras there. I put them into the quarantine aquarium too. After some time, I moved them to the main aquarium. Until today none of those I had bought in the Sklorex store, died. I prefer not to buy fish in the Juwelakvarium store anymore.

Then I decided to change the aquarium a little. I ordered Red moor wood root on rostlinna-akvaria.cz. I also ordered Java moss and plants: Anubias nana and Vallisneria spiralis red. I changed the right-hand side of the aquarium by changing the position of the stones. I put the root upon them. I pasted the moss and anubias on the root and stones. I relocated the vallisnerias to the back. I threw away a lot of big cryptocorynes. The moss didn’t remain in the aquarium for long. It seems I don’t have the right conditions for it. The Vallisneria didn’t become red even after the months. Who knows if they sent me the right plant.

A month later I continued with the left-hand side of the aquarium. I ordered additional moss: Christmas moss. Again, I reorganized the stones. I pasted the new moss on them together with the old Anubias barteri plant which I cut into smaller pieces. I moved the other big plants to the background. The moss in the center of the aquarium didn’t remain for long. It still exists in a shaded place. But it is not as dense as when bought.



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